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We are passionate about caring for our church community by ministering to one another in times of need, and by providing opportunities to connect with each other to help build and strengthen our relationships.  


Need more information?  Contact or give us a call!

The Care Ministry Team is a group of volunteers who offer support to members of our church in the way of transportation to and from worship services, church events, appointments, errands, etc., as well as coordinate meals or visits while in hospitals or rehabilitation facilities. 

Meal Train

The Care Ministry Team is a group of volunteers who offer support to members of our church in the way of transportation to and from worship services, church events, appointments, errands, etc., as well as coordinate meals or visits while in hospitals or rehabilitation facilities. 

Meal Train

Care Ministry Team

The Care Ministry Team is a group of volunteers who offer support to members of our church in the way of transportation to and from worship services, church events, appointments, errands, etc., as well as coordinate meals or visits while in hospitals or rehabilitation facilities. 

Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch is a socialization time once a month where members and friends are invited to come to eat, chat and play games or participate in an informational topic.  Rides are provided for those that need assistance. 

Work Day

We have a Work Day that meets once a month to work on the proverbial "honey do" church form! Projects are never in short supply for all ages and abilities. And, if that doesn't entice you, coffee, donuts, muffins and pastries usually make an appearance too!

The Crafty Group

 This group meets every other Tuesday morning to get t  


The Crafty Group

 This group meets every other Monday morning to get their "craft" on! Their social minded projects include making hats and scarves for the homeless, knitted knockers for breast cancer survivors and peace dolls for  The Nicaragua project. Bring your talents and your ideas! Don't know how to knit/crochet? No worries...we'll teach you!   

The Women's Tea

Every spring around Mother’s Day, we combine food with fellowship and fundraising! Women are invited to gather for a cup of tea, tasty treats and to learn about and support the needs of others. Speakers and musical entertainment are always provided and fun is had by all.  It's the social event of the year!


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